Philip Newton wrote:
> I'm not sure that this bit of the third quoted paragraphs is correct:
> "It's quite possible that switching to an XML docset produces a beautiful,
> unmaintained set of documentation that is of no use to anyone." I think
> it's more likely that switching to an XML docset produces very little
> documentation, and what there is will be of widely varying quality. Not
> everyone will want to expend the effort involved to plan out, carefully,
> their document structure and produce lovely docs.

I am of the opinion that any documentation which requires, or at least
would significantly benefit from, the use of something heavy like SGML
is best done OUTSIDE THE CODE.  There's no reason you can't have 
document files accompanying the perl code files, for gosh sakes.

John Porter

        By pressing down a special key  It plays a little melody

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