At 11:32 AM 2/9/2001 -0200, Branden wrote:
>Nicholas Clark wrote:
> > > that I really don't know: in the same platform, different compilers
>  > > incompatible binaries? Because if this happens (and will still happen
> > > Perl 6) the platform identification should be os/cpu/compiler. Perhaps
> >
> > on perl 5 different configure options generate different binaries.
>Can this be standardized somehow? Perl 6 binary level compatibility, for
>extensions? In a way that distributing binary modules would be at least
>possible? It's already a big trouble to consider the various different
>os/cpu combinations, configure options is not feasible at all!

Perl, generally speaking, should have a mechanism to indicate compatibility 
based on various compilation issues. Given that this sort of thing impacts 
my platform of choice (VMS) more than others, it will.

>Compilers I
>can take, I don't actually expect gcc/MS VC++ generating compatible dlls,
>althought I think it could be possible...

I'm always amazed that people put up with this sort of nonsense. All 
compilers on a platform should generate compatible code. I don't really 
care whether it's COBOL, PL/I, ADA, C, Fortran, or BASIC.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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