> On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 10:04:51AM -0300, Branden wrote:
> > Why `do FILE' behaves like eval, if there's eval to do it? Isn't this a
> > little too much not-orthogonal? Why don't we require `eval { do FILE }'
> > have the behaviour of not dying and setting $@ ?
> And that would gains us what exactly?
> As the Perl man page says, do FILE is like
>     scalar eval `cat FILE`;
> If you take out the eval, you get:
>     scalar `cat FILE`;
> which is pretty pointless.
> I find a "let's require some extra hoops and red tape" not very-Perl like.
> Perl is there for the programmer; not the other way around.

Please read ``Larry's talk in Atlanta about Perl 6'', the text is in
http://dev.perl.org/~ask/als/larry-als.txt, you can find it in
http://dev.perl.org. Read the fifth paragraph under `[Simplifications]'.

- Branden

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