John Porter wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > :
> > : why should a reader expect that a declarative description
> > : of &foo would be followed by the body of &foo?
> Isn't the functional definition of a sub
> just another one of its attributes, anyway?

I'm a little bit disappointed that p6 doesn't appear to be letting
user-defined classes take up slots in the main symbol table along
with scalar and array slots.

If I can define a $duh (duh.scalar) and a @duh (duh.array) why cant
I define a class called actor and then define

I guess this is back to the allowing undecorated keywords to mean
variables thing.  In keeping with Nathan's suggestion that angles
become the shortcut for the .more method, which is special only
in that it has a shortcut, the other early-perl declarations $,%,@
could be considered as shortcuts for the scalar, hash and array 
attributes of the keyword, aka duh.scalar, duh.hash and duh.array

then we _keep_ typeglobs instead of throwing them away, and
michael schwern and dan sugalski's heads both implode.

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