On Wed, 9 May 2001 11:06:45 -0400, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:

>>At that
>> point, Hungarian notation fell apart for me. Its strict use adds (IMO) as
>> much confusion as MicroSoft's redefinition of C, with thousands of
>> typedefs representing basic types ("LPSTR" and "HWND" come to mind as the
>> most common).
>Not mention the hoop-jumping required to keep variable names in sync with 
>code changes.  (signed-ness, short->int->long, etc)

Which reminds me... One of the fundamental functions in the Windows API
is SendMessage. Here, one can give two parameters. They're call wParam
and lParam. Yes, originally, wParam was a word (16 bit), and lParam was
a long (32 bit).

But under the Win32 API, every kind of integer was turned into a long,
but the names wParam and lParam still stuck, despite the fact that both
are now 32 bit integers.


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