On Wed, Jun 27, 2001 at 05:30:02PM -0400, John Porter wrote:
> David L. Nicol wrote:
> > Yet another minor candidate for regularization.
> (Hush, David, Don't say that. Perl should stay Perl! ;-)
Okay, I clearly missed out on some heated discussion about the
``Perl bleibt Perl'' RFC.  I'll dive into the archives when I 
have a moment.  Meanwhile, I apologize for tripping that particular
wire.  I agree that there is plenty of room for improvement in Perl;
we'd have a lot less to talk about otherwise.  All I meant was,
as much as I happen to like Python and Ruby and even JavaScript, 
I have no desire to see Perl turn into a clone of any of them.

Re: inheritance.  Currently the only thing that gets inherited is
methods.  If methods are unified with object fields (which is one way
to get both prototype and class inheritance), then those would have
to be inherited as well.  In Perl5 that would be tricky to provide,
since there's no consistent representation of objects, or any real
concept of an "object field".  It seems Perl6 will share that agnostic
view of objects, but will also provide properties, which would fill
the gap nicely if they were inheritable.  Maybe "inheritable" could
be a settable property of properties? 

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to
make it shorter.
                -- Blaise Pascal

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