On Sun, 22 Jul 2001, Johan Vromans wrote:

> Dave Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I discovered today that I had forgotten to put 'use strict' at the top of
> > one of my modules...it was in the script that _used_ the module, but not
> > in the module itself.  Putting it in instantly caught several annoying
> > bugs that I'd been trying to track down.
> > 
> > It would be nice if there was a 
> > 
> >     use strict 'recursive';
> Good reasoning, although this occurs to me as trying to kill a fly
> with a nuclear bomb.

        Ah, but note that, while using a nuke as a flyswatter may be
massive overkill, it is also very _effective_. :>

> The essence of modules is that they are independent, and are
> unaffected by outside pragmata. This is what makes them reusable.
> A 'recursive' pragma would break that. 

        True, a recursive pragma would break a module's ability to manage
its own internals as it pleases. However, if I _want_ them to be affected,
there is no reason they shouldn't be...it's like any other powerful
technique; if I misapply it, I am responsible for the consequences.


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