On Thursday 06 September 2001 08:53 am, Dave Mitchell wrote:
> But surely %MY:: allows you to access/manipulate variables that are in
> scope, not just variables are defined in the current scope, ie
> my $x = 100;
> {
>     print $MY::{'$x'};
> }
> I would expect that to print 100, not 'undef'. Are your expectations
> different?

Yes.  I would expect that to print 'undef'.  '$x' doesn't exist as a key in 

> I think any further discussion hinges on that.

Yes.  My expectations are different. My expectations are exactly like my 
previous PATH example.  

my $x = 100;
    $MY::{'$x'} = 200;   # Equivalent to 'my $x = 200'
    print $x;
print $x;

That should print 200, and 100, should it not?
You are creating a lexical in the current scope, and assigning it the value 
of 200.  You are not finding a currently existing $x and assigning it the 
value of 200, resulting in 200 / 200.  

But let's be a little more pragmatic about it, shall we?  Look beyond the 
fire and brimstone for a moment. As Dan said, we can already screw up your 
entire world.  So other than a couple clever hacks from Damian, how will 
they be used?

Generically speaking, modules aren't going to be running amok and making a 
mess of your current lexical scope - they'll be introducing, possibily 
repointing, and then possibly deleting specific symbols out of that scope's 
symbol table.  Very precise actions - not random reassignment of values from 
hither and yon.  Furthermore, unlike the value determination of a variable, 
which meanders through the various scopes looking for the most applicable 
target, %MY:: table manipulation is a singular entity, and needs to be 
treated as such.  You certainly don't want to be targetting random scopes 
'n' levels up.  You know exactly which level you need control over - 99% of 
the time, the immediate parent - and that is where any change should be 
limited too. 

Believe it or not, this feature is designed to reduce action at a distance - 
why would we want to create even more?

my $x = 100;
        use some_pragma; # Introduces some $x
# The original pragma's scope has ended... why should we be using the
# same $x?  We shouldn't.  The $x was created in the inner scope, and
# we're back to ours

%MY:: access the pad, not the variable.

Bryan C. Warnock

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