On Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:03:33 +1100 (EST)
Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The Real Damian is the Damian inside each of us. 
> You need to get in touch with your *own* inner Damian.

SETTING: Trendy bar.

DC: Hey, beautiful, how's it going?  Say, do you have a little Damian in

GIRL: No, I don't.

DC: Well, would you like to?

On an on-topic note ... are there any plans in Perl 6 for specifying
OO <-> RDBMS mapping in the class { } construct?  Another way to look at
this would be adding arbitrary fine grained type constraints to
attributes, and then tools can be written which examine these constraints
and produce RDBMS schemas.

It would be a bit like Class::Contract merged with Class::Tangram, but if
Class::Contract is going into the core then it's a feature I'd like to


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