Reading this in Apoc 4

    sub mywhile ($keyword, &condition, &block) {
        my $l = $keyword.label;
        while (&condition()) {
            CATCH {
                my $t = $!.tag;
                when X::Control::next { die if $t && $t ne $l); next }
                when X::Control::last { die if $t && $t ne $l); last }
                when X::Control::redo { die if $t && $t ne $l); redo }

Implies to me:

    A &foo prototype means you can have a bare block anywhere in the
    arg list (unlike the perl5 syntax).

    Calling &foo() does *not* effect the callstack, otherwise the
    above would not properly emulate a while loop.

If that's true, can pull off my custom iterators?
http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg08343.html

Will this:

    class File;
    sub foreach ($file, &block) {
        # yeah, I know.  The RFC was all about exceptions and I'm
        # not using them in this example.
        open(FILE, $file) || die $!;

        while(<FILE>) {

        close FILE;

allow this:

    File.foreach('/usr/dict/words') { print }

or would the prototype be (&file, &block)?

And would this:

    my $caller = caller;
    File.foreach('/usr/dict/words') { 
        print $caller eq caller ? "ok" : "not ok" 

be ok or not ok?  It has to be ok if mywhile is going to emulate a
while loop.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl Quality Assurance      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Kwalitee Is Job One
navy ritual:
first caulk the boards of the deck,
then plug up my ass.
        -- japhy

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