On Sat, Jan 26, 2002 at 04:52:53PM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
>      @result = map -> $a; $b { $a op $b } @a; @b;

Something seems wrong with this, but I can't quite put my finger
on what it is. I think it's the -> directly after map - -> looks
too much like an operator. And even if you read "->" as the natural
"to", you get "map to $a and $b, perform $a op $b, for @a and @b"  
I'd be happier with

    map @a; @b -> $a; $b { $a op $b }

("Map elements of @a and @b to $a and $b, and do '$a op $b'") but
the semicolons seem blecherous there. But this is starting to look
more like ML than Perl.

> That's starting to get up there on the grottiness meter.  Since semicolon
> is probably just separating lists within lists, perhaps
>      @result = map -> $a; $b { $a op $b }, [@a], [@b];

But (@a; @b) *is* a list of two lists, so you'd want to keep that.

> is a valid alternative.  But it's still not as comely as the C<for>,
> which never needs the parens, since it knows the {} is coming.
> Perhaps we shouldn't be using ; for this.

Given hyperoperators, I wonder if we can actually drop map.

Calm down, it's *only* ones and zeroes.

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