>>>>> "a" == abigail  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  a> On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 11:15:30PM -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> good point. $() can still wrap that but then there has to be a balance
  >> between printf strings and double quoters. how about this wacky idea:
  >> make a new type of string where %foo{bar} is not interpolated by
  >> default. maybe something in the q/qq family could be added like qn for
  >> no hash interpolation. you can use $() to still force it if you need to
  >> in printf formats. 

  a> I'd think it would be much better that '%' followed by a word *not*
  a> followed by a { isn't interpolated. Granted, you cannot do
  a> interpolation of hashes (well, one could always write "@{[%hash]}",
  a> just like in perl5, and there's little change of clashing with
  a> printf formats. There's only a clash if a format specifier is
  a> followed by a brace.

i already covered how @() and $() will allow interpolation of full
hashes so the hack @{[]} is not needed there or in fact anywhere.

  a> But the way perl6 is going, I doubt we'll see this kind of DWIM; perl6
  a> is going more in the way of a bondage and discipline language.

i disagree. but we shall see if larry is listening to this thread and
will back away from hash interpolation or take some of our suggestions
that make it work without killing format strings. i hate to see a
special call or wierd syntax for that. my qn (or qf) suggestion seems to
have some backing and it is clean and unobtrusive.


Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -------- http://www.stemsystems.com
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