Michel J Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Macros could add something to Perl, but I don't see why having a macro
> > return a string instead of looking and acting like a subroutine would be
> > a bad thing. In fact, as I pointed out before, you can do almost all of
> > the scoping stuff that you would want out of a macro in Perl with the
> > existing subroutine/code ref syntax and a special property.
> I disagree here. How would I define foreach as a macro (assuming the
> following, simplified syntax).
> foreach $each, @array, {
>   print $each;
> };
> Since $each is being passed to the foreach macro, the macro needs to
> create a lexical scoping for $each, and place the third argument as a loop
> body, within the context of the scoping it just defined.

That suggested a similar example to me...

In Lisp (or, more likely, Scheme), you get constructs like:

(let ((a 'b) (c 'd) ... ) (...))

being defined as equivalent to:

((lambda (a c ...) (...)) 'b 'd ...)

and the macro system can convert the let into the evaluated lambda.

Suppose we wanted to have a Perl construct that was similar:

my $a = let ($b -> 5, $c -> $x) { $b + $c };

The most similar replacement for the let to the lisp case is:

my $a = &(sub { my ($b, $c) = @_; return $b, $c; })(5, $x);

With the macro system (using qs() for things to be evaluated at
compile time), I could see something like:

macro let (%&) 
  { &(sub { my qs(keys @_[0]) = @_; return qs(@_[1]); })(qs(values @_[1]))};

I'm not sure that that would work perfectly offhand (I suspect some
syntax tweaking would be necessary) but it's the basic idea I think
you are going for.

Buddha Buck                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"I will not die an ironic death" -- Scott Ian, lead singer for 
the metal band Anthrax, after bioterrorist attacks using anthrax.

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