On 4/3/02 12:49 PM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 12:41:13PM -0500, John Siracusa wrote:
>> Reading EX4 and seeing those "place-holder" variables made me wonder what
>> happens when someone (probably Damian ;) wants to use more than 26 of them.
>> Do the place-holder names scale up as if they're being automagically
>> incremented? (e.g. ..., y, z, aa, ab, ...)
> As I understand it, those place holders could be anything.  So he could
> have written 
> our %operator is private //= (
>           '*'  => { $^foo * $^bar },
>           '/'  => { $^foo / $^bar },
>           '~'  => { ($^foo + $^bar) / 2 },
> );
> and it would work just as well.

So it's the order that they appear that determines their binding?  How would
something like this (Perl 5 code) be represented:

  sub reverse_minus { $_[1] - $_[0] }

I would have guessed it'd be:

    { $^b - $^a }

But if the place-holder names can be anything, I'm not sure how you could
bind place-holders "out of order" with respect to the things that they


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