Damian Conway writes:
: > >      use invocant 'self';

Hmm.  My first inclination is to say it should be something like:

    macro self { '%MY.frame.arg[0]' }

But suppose you want all .foo to refer to self and not to the current
topic.  It would be problematic to have a macro whose name is "".
So you might say something like this:

    use invocant "";

Still a bit odd syntactically, however.  One is vaguely tempted to make


mean self.foo(1).  But then we'd see methods chock full of *that* even
when it wasn't necessary.  Much rather see self.foo(1).

: > *Much* better name. You see, that's why you're the mad genius and I'm
: > just the lowly lab assistant. Marthter.
: And, given that I'm jutht Larry'th lowly lab aththithtant, that would
: theem to make you a meta-Igor!
: %-)

As Annie Oakley almost said, "Anything you can do, I can do meta."

Fortunately, Igority is transitive...


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