Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


> Reflecting on this, it seems that it would be useful if methods
> implicitly did their default topicalization-of-invocant like so:
>       -> $self
> rather than just:
>       -> $_
> That is, that as well as aliasing the invocant to $_, they also alias it
> to some standard variable name.
> Then one would be guaranteed an invariant name (across all OO Perl!)
> for the invocant, even under internal topicalizations.
> Of course, the problem is then: what should the name of this topicalizer
> variable be? The main options are:
>       $self
>       $me
>       $I
>       $this
>       $invocant
>       $object
>       $obj
> And frankly, that's a very minor issue. Someone (i.e. Larry) should just
> pick one and then we can all move on.

Nailing my colours to the mast here, I choose '$self'. I will confess
to suggesting the C<use invocant '$whatever'> syntax not because I
thought it was a desperately good idea, but because I didn't want to
get into arguing about what colour to paint the bikeshed before we'd
actually decided whether or not to build the bikeshed in the first


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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