Andy Wardley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 07:24:13PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
>> So the main reason that objects can function as hashes is so that the
>> user can poke an object into an interface expecting a hash and have it
>> "make sense", to the extent that the object is willing to be viewed like
>> that.  
> AKA the uniform access principle.  
> This was something that I was very keen to exploit in the Template Toolkit
> where is interpreted as "Do(t) The Right Thing" to access the 
> 'bar' part of 'foo', be it the 'bar' key in the 'foo' hash or the 'bar'
> method of the 'foo' object.  The result is, of course, that you can use
> a hash of static data one day (great for mocking up web pages for example) 
> and later upgrade it to an object which fetches/generates data on demand 
> (e.g. from a database) when you put your pages into production.
> Alas, I also designed a flaw into the system by introducing "virtual 
> methods" that TT automatically applies onto various data types, equivalent
> to various Perl functions, e.g. somehash.keys or somelist.size.  As 
> convenient as this is, the problem lies in the fact that you can't 
> differentiate somehash.keys between the Perl equivalents of C<keys %$hash>
> or C<$hash->{keys}>.
> So my thought for version 3 of TT is to introduce somehash.{keys} as 
> a syntax to mean "only the 'keys' key/method of the 'foo' hash/object 
> but *NOT* the 'keys' virtual method" and to leave somehash.keys resolving 
> to the virtual method as it currently does.
> Am I right in thinking that this would then be (roughly) consistent with 
> the Perl 6 syntax?  
> e.g.
>   TT3          Perl 6          Perl 5 (hash)  Perl 5 (obj)
>   --------------------------------------------------------
>   foo.keys     $foo.keys       keys %$foo     $foo->keys()
>   foo.{keys}   $foo.{keys}     $foo->{keys}   $foo->keys()
> Hang on, now I'm a little confused - I thought that hashes were supposed
> to keep their % sigil.  So shouldn't that be %foo.keys or %foo.{keys}?
> But then that would then violate the uniform access principle because
> hash/key access has a different syntax from object/method?

    $foo = %hash; # Take a reference to %hash;
    $foo.{keys}   # get the value keyed by 'keys' in the hash refered
                  # to by $foo.
    $bar = # Make an object
    $bar.{keys}   # Get the value of $bar's '$.keys' instance
                  # variable.

I think that the '.' is optional in this case too...


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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