>     (?=...)           <before: ...>
>     (?!...)           <!before: ...>
>     (?<=...)          <after: ...>
>     (?<!...)          <!after: ...>
>     (?>...)           <grab: ...>

Yummy :)
I'd say this is about perfect. The look(ahead|behind)s, er, 
look<:ahead|behind>s are used seldom enough that this is practical. And 
it's I<so> much clea[nr]er than that (?=...) crap. (Think I'm going 
overboard with this tregext?)

And are you going to reveal the method by which you define your own 
<word>s, so we can overload it with personal ungrounded opinions? (On the 
other hand, it'd probably just stick and not move, because you said it.)

> Sorry if this is a bit delirious--I'm fighting off some kind of
> infection, and my nights have been shortchanged lately by the
> neighborhood panhandler who doesn't seem to understand either
> complicated concepts like "bedtime" or simple concepts like "no".



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