On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 18:47, Damien Neil wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 1, 2002, at 02:27  PM, Aaron Sherman wrote:
> >     unless my $fh = $x.open {
> >             die "Cannot open $x: $!";
> >     } else while $fh.getline -> $_ {
> >             print;
> >     } else {
> >             die "No lines to read in $x";
> >     }
> I think you need a better example--given that the unless clause throws 
> an exception, the "else while" can just as easily be written as a 
> "while", no "else".  (Which I, personally, would find far clearer.)

No, I write this sort of thing all the time:

        if (foo) {
                die $!
        } else {

It's clearer, IMHO, to the reader and maintainer of the code, exactly
what is expected. It's taste and style and visual aesthetics, but we
wouldn't have a postfix "if" if those things didn't matter in Perl.

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