> The implication is that we can only provide advanced "PRE_LAST"
> style blocks (or their equiv.) on the C<foreach> loop. The fact
> that they are impossible on the C<while> loop should not
> constrain our thinking for the C<foreach> loop.

Just checking here: is PRE_LAST a separate and non-mutually exclusive
concept from LAST?  I.e., would this make sense:

   foreach @arr -> $i {
      PRE_LAST {print "before last loop\n"}
      LAST {print "after last loop\n"}
      print "$i\n";

If so, wouldn't look-aheads still result in chaos and confusion for tied

If not, then I'd definitely disagree: to me, for's and while's are just
different flavors of "loop" and should behave the same in every way


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