David Wheeler wrote:

> I just want to verify that I properly understand the use of these two terms
> in Perl 6.

....and in the wider OO community, BTW.

>   * An "attribute" is a data member of a class.


>   * A "property" is a piece of metadata on a...uh...thing -- e.g., on an
>     attribute, on a class, or on a method.

or on a subroutine, closure, or value.

> Do I have it right?


> So do I just need to turn myself around (at least when talking about
> Perl), or is there a chance that the language designers would decide that
> the way I use the terms is ever-so-much-better? ;-)

Well, I suppose there's always a *chance* that we'd both completely reverse
our careful thinking on this issue and ignore the common usage of "attribute"
in the OO literature. But I do think it would be easier all round if you just 
went with our chosen terminology for Perl 6. ;-)


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