You have I<no idea> how often that would have been useful.  It's a great 
exception safety mechanism... like C++'s "resource aquisition is 
initialization" thingy, but without having to write a class for every 

On Wed, 5 Jun 2002, David Whipp wrote:

> Page 13 tells use about C<let> decls. But it also says that the topic must
> be a regex. Whilst it explains that this isn't really a problem, I'm not
> sure that it justifies it. So perhaps someone can clarify why this
> (hypothetical) code in not a reasonable generalization:
> our $foo = 0;
> sub do_something
> {
>   let $foo = $foo + 1;
>   # stuff ...
>   commit();
> }
> sub commit
> {
>   fail if rand < 0.3;
> }
> for 1..10
> {
>   do_something()
>   CATCH { default {} }
> }
> print "$foo\n"; # expect a value of around 7
> Dave.

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