Dan Sugalski wrote:

> At 10:44 AM +0200 7/28/02, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>> 2) Some Mops numbers, all on i386/linux Athlon 800, slightly shortend:

> Just out of curiosity, I presume the (rather abysmal) perl 6 numbers 

After the bugfix in perlarray.pmc I can bring you new numbers, which are 
not that abysmal.

Changing the while loop in mops.p6 to:
  $I4 = $I4 - $I3              # sub    I4, I4, I3
-      while ($I4>0);             # if     I4, REDO
+      while ($I4);             # if     I4, REDO

(which is more correct, comparing to e.g. mops.pl)

$ time perl6 -Rj mops.p6
Iterations:    1000000
Estimated ops: 2000000
Elapsed time:  1.032118
M op/s:        1.937763

real    0m3.357s
user    0m3.190s
sys     0m0.150s

We have already the same Mops as perl5, but additionaly 2.3 seconds 
overhead. Just running the byte code is as fast as perl5.

Without jit, mops.p6 performs at 0.8 Mops.


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