On 1 Aug 2002 at 19:30, David Whipp wrote:

> I'm wondering if Perl6's new regex can be applied to non-string things. I
> seem to recall A5 mentioning something about strings tied to array
> implementations; but I'm wanting something a little more powerful.

Yes, it can be applied to anything which can be tied to string. I 
didn't understand your message completely so I'll just copy-paste 
relevant parts from Synopsis 5, which IMO is easier to understand 
than A5.

from http://dev.perl.org/perl6/synopsis/5.html

Matching against non-strings

* Anything that can be tied to a string can be matched against a
regex. This feature is particularly useful with input streams: 
my @array := <$fh>;           # lazy when aliased
my $array is from(\@array);   # tie scalar    # and later...    
$array =~ m/pattern/;         # match from stream

Backtracking control

* A <cut> assertion always matches successfully, and has the side
 effect of deleting the parts of the string already matched. 

* Attempting to backtrack past a <cut> causes the complete match to
 fail (like backtracking past a <commit>. This is because there's now
 no preceding text to backtrack into. 

* This is useful for throwing away successfully processed input when
 matching from an input stream or an iterator of arbitrary length. 

Markus Laire 'malaire' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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