I don't usually have problems with commitment...

I think I can distinguish :: from ::: - :: fails the current branch point,
whereas ::: fails the entire rule. I can do ::: trivially.

I think I can distinguish between ::: and <commit>; the implementation
is a bit tricky, because ::: fails the current match - easy enough -
whereas <commit> has to specify to all upper-level matches that they
failed too. Is it reasonable for failing a <commit> to be an exception?
This would save passing "hard" and "soft" failure codes around. 

<cut> is just <commit> with a couple of knobs on.

I don't think I can distinguish between : and ::. Essentially, how many
nodes does each commit to? I would expect the following

        [ a+ : b | c+ : d | e+ : f ]

to do precisely the same as 

        [ a+ :: b | c+ :: d | e+ :: f ]

I don't see why Larry describes one as "if-then", but not the other.
Basically, I don't think I'm sure what : "gives up".

(Apologies if this doesn't sound as lucid as normal, it's 5:31am and I
have been hacking too long.)

Um. There is no David conspiracy. Definitely not. No Kate conspiracy either.
No. No, there is definitely not any sort of David conspiracy, and we are
definitely *not* in league with the Kate conspiracy. Who doesn't exist. And
nor does the David conspiracy. No. No conspiracies here. - Thorfinn, ASR

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