This is an interesting tidbit from a longer posting by Oren Ben-Kiki, the
YAML specification author. Thought I'd pass it on.

----- Forwarded message from Oren Ben-Kiki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Oren Ben-Kiki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 5 Sep 2002 11:28:12 +0300
Subject: [Yaml-core] Summary of the IRC session
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19)


- I'm impressed by the fact that this is almost identical to Perl's type
system - and we arrived at it independently. Either Larry Wall was extremely
lucky, he had a working crystal ball that told him this type system would be
good for Yaml, or this approach is "right" in some deep way (for scripting
languages) and he "merely" arrived at it as an "inevitable" result. Of
course this made our life easier because we had it in front of us, while he
more-or-less invented it from scratch (AFAIK).

I don't want to start a language war here or anything, and Parrot is
supposed to run Python and Ruby programs as well anyway... I'm just rather
surprised by this result. If you would have asked me a year back my bet
would have been that we'd end up being more "traditional" and Perl would be
the "odd man out". In fact when I first encountered "bless" I thought it was
a horrible hack; now I want to bless Larry for getting it right.

Either way, YAML makes a *perfect* fit for Parrot now. Way to go!


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