On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Josh Jore wrote:

> On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Damian Conway wrote:
> > > Would it be correct for this to print 0? Would it be correct for this
> > > to print 2?
> > >
> > >   my $n = 0;
> > >   "aargh" =~ /a* { $n++ } aargh/;
> > >   print $n;
> >
> > Yes. ;-)
> Wouldn't that print 2 if $n is lexical and 0 if it's localized? Or are
> lexicals localized now?

Well, { $n++ } is within the lexical scope of $n, so it doesn't matter.  
What matters is whether $n++ was hypotheticalized like so:

        "aargh" =~ /a* { let $n++ } aargh/  # can it work that way?

Then it would either print 1 or 0, because if it backtracked, the ++ would 
be undone.  If the change is adopted that you can't optimize when there's 
a closure in the middle of the optimization, it would print 1.

> > > What possible outputs are legal for this:
> > >
> > >   "aaa" =~ /( a { print 1 } | a { print 2 })* { print "\n" } x/
> I take it that what I've learned from _Mastering_Regular_Expressions_
> doesn't quite apply here? From that interpretation I'd think it'd print
> "111\n" since the second part of the alternation wouldn't be tried.

The first time through, yes.  But then it tries to match the "x", and says 
"oops, that's not what I have" and backtracks.  That tries the second of 
the alternation, which doesn't work either.  So it backtracks so the * is 
only getting two of the first one, et cetera...

Or are you talking about something else from Mastering Regular 
Expressions?  Like some kind of optimization that happens?


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