On Fri, 11 Oct 2002 14:05:30 -0700, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> Maybe postfix ! on a class name means to autoinstantiate an object of 
> the named class only if/when first accessed:
>   our FancyCache $cache;                      # declare, but leave undef
>   our FancyCache! $cache;                     # undef, but new() it if/when we need 
>   our $cache returns FancyCache!;     # the same
> (That's just a joke.  Um, I think.  Hmm...)

Apart from the "auto" bit of "autoinstantiate", that's almost what it means
in Eiffel, except there it's a prefix !! operator. Actually, you can specify
a subclass between the two shrieks, but perl lets you do that by sticking
Class:: on the method name, which means we'd only need one shriek:

  # ! is the new .=
  our FancyCache $cache;                         # declare but leave undef
  our FancyCache $cache ! new;                   # create new instance
  our FancyCache $cache ! ReallyFancyCache::new; # create subclass instance

Eiffel does let you omit the name of the constructor if there is a single
argumentless constructor, but Eiffel constructors are all marked as such,
which (at least so far) Perl6 constructors aren't.

        Peter Haworth   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Hotmail migration is becoming the IT equivalent of painting-the-Forth-
 bridge, evidently. Once you've think you've finished migrating one end, more
 FreeBSD boxes reappear at the other. So you have to start all over again."
                -- http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/28/23348.html

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