For this version of the operator list, (since I am unsure that _every_ unary/binary op has a meaningful hyper, and some tentatively have _two_) I have placed all of them in EXPLICITLY. Please check that I didn't miss any, or put any in that are incorrect.


[op] - as prefix to any unary/binary operator, "vectorizes" the operator

unary (prefix) operators (with all hyper equivs):

\ [\] - reference to
* [*] - list flattening
? [?] - force to bool context
! [!] - force to bool context, negate
not [not] - force to bool context, negate
+ [+] - force to numeric context
- [-] - force to numeric context, negate
+^ [+^] - force to numeric context, complement
~ [~] - force to string context
~^ [~^] - force to string context, complement
. [.] - method call on current topic

++ [++] - preincrement
-- [--] - predecrement

unary (postfix) operators:

++ [++] - postincrement
-- [--] - postdecrement

... [...] - [maybe] same as ..Inf

other postfix operators:

() - (when operator is expected)
[] - array access
{} - hash access

binary operators (with ALL hyper equivs!):

+ - * / % ** x xx ~ - arithmetic
+= -= *= /= %= **= x= xx= ~=
[+] [-] [*] [/] [%] [**] [x] [xx] [~] - (hyperversions)
[+]= [-]= [*]= [/]= [%]= [**]= [x]= [xx]= [~]=
[+=] [-=] [*=] [/=] [%=] [**=] [x=] [xx=] [~=]

< > <= >= == != <=> - comparision
lt gt le ge eq ne cmp
[<] [>] [<=] [>=] [==] [!=] [<=>] - (hyperversions)
[lt] [gt] [le] [ge] [eq] [ne] [cmp]

&& || ^^ // - boolean operations
&&= ||= ^^= //=
and or xor err
[&&] [||] [^^] [//] - (hyperversions)
[&&]= [||]= [^^]= [//]=
[&&=] [||=] [^^=] [//=]
[and] [or] [xor] [err]

.& .| .^ << >> - bitwise (integer) operations
.&= .|= .^= <<= >>=
[.&] [.|] [.^] [<<] [>>] - (hyperversions)
[.&]= [.|]= [.^]= [<<]= [>>]=
[.&=] [.|=] [.^=] [<<=] [>>=]

~& ~| ~^ - charwise (string) operations
~&= ~|= ~^=
[~&] [~|] [~^] - (hyperversions)
[~&]= [~|]= [~^]=
[~&=] [~|=] [~^=]

?& ?| ?^ - [maybe] C-like bool operations
?&= ?|= ?^= - (result is always just 1 or 0)
[?&] [?|] [?^] - (hyperversions)
[?&]= [?|]= [?^]=
[?&=] [?|=] [?^=]

& | ^ - superpositional operations
&= |= ^= - conjunctive, disjunctive, exclusive
all any one none - conj, disj, excl, dismissive
sum prod cat reduce - [maybe]
[&] [|] [^] - (hyperversions)
[&]= [|]= [^]=
[&=] [|=] [^=]
[all] [any] [one] [none]
[sum] [prod] [cat] [reduce]

~~ !~ - smart match, smart non-match
[~~] [!~] - smart match, smart non-match
like unlike - [maybe]
[like] [unlike] - [maybe]

=> [=>] - pair creator
, [,] - list creator
; [;] - "greater comma", list-of-lists creator
: [:] - adverbial
. [.] - method call

.. [..] - range
... [...] - [maybe] range, exclusive of endpoint

= [=] - assignment
:= [:=] - binding
::= [::=] - binding, but more so

trinary operator:

?? :: - if/else

parens, misc, and quotelike operators

[] - [when term is expected]
{} - [when term is expected]

m// - shorthand, "matches"
s/// - shorthand, "substitute"
tr/// - shorthand, "transliterate"

'...' "..." `...` /.../ << >>
q qq qx rx qw [qm?]
[+ qr ?]

<...> - readline
(heredocs) - [exact format unknown]

named unary (prefix) operators, terms, and other important assorteds, identified
when possible:

-X [-X] - [op] filetest operators

ref [ref] - [op]
exists [exists] - [op]
delete [delete] - [op]
defined [defined] - [op]
undef [undef] - [op]
undef - [term]
temp ? - [op]
let ? - [op]
but ? - [op] val properties

${ } - [deref] dereference scalarref
@{ } - [deref]
%{ } - [deref]
&{ } - [deref]

... - [term] yada**3
Inf - [term]
Nan - [term]

is - [declar] var properties
-> - [declar] like 'sub'
hash - [declar] force hash context


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