Larry Wall writes:

> I think decent formatting would make it clearer:
> for    @a;       @b
>     -> $x is rw; y {
>        $x = $y[5];
> }

But this isn't very scalable:

for    @a;                                     @b;                
       @c;                 @d;                
        -> $a_variable1 is rw, $a_variable2 is rw; $b_variable is rw; 
       $c_variable  is rw; $d_variable is rw; 
           $e_variable1 is rw, $e_variable2 is rw


for @a -> $a_variable1 is rw, $a_variable2 is rw;
        @b -> $b_variable  is rw;
        @c -> $c_variable  is rw;
        @d -> $d_variable  is rw;
        @e -> $e_variable1 is rw, $e_variable2 is rw;

is much, *much* clearer. IMO the current 'for' syntax suffers from action at a 
distance, even if that distance is within the same line. Related things aren't 
paired up nearly close enough to each other.

And I'd curse it if I was writing 'for' expressions as complicated as the 
second one.  Which I WILL do, especially when writing code generators.


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