Luke Palmer wrote:
> I would imagine that would only work if $a was known at compile time:

I think we could do it at runtime too.  You could conceivably use
runtime resolution to, for example, choose from between several
different caching behaviors to be passed to a complex routine:

    sub get_cached_foo( HashImplementor $implementor ) {    # syntax???
        my %foo is $implementor;
        return \%foo;

    my $foo = &get_cached_foo( LRU_Cache );

That should be OK...  we have to know what C<$implementor> is when we
actually do the C<my %foo>, but it doesn't have to be known at compiletime.

My only concern with this particular example:

    my $a = MyCache;     # (1) $a contains a class identifier
    my %b is $a;         # (2)
    my $a = 'MyCache';   # (3) $a contains a string
    my %b is $a;         # (4)

is that 1-2 should work as intended, but 3-4 probably doesn't... because
in (3) $a is just a string, *not* a class.  Since a string instance
doesn't implement the interface to be a Scalar implementor, (4) would
give a runtime error.  So I *think* the first example should work, and
the second example should not.

> Actually, that's quite a difficult question; is MyScalar a
> property or a behavior class?  Is there a difference, or is the latter
> a subset of the former?

Yeah.  In the words of another cartoon character, "I *don't* know."



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