"Brent Dax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Mr. Nobody:
> # I have to wonder how many people actually like this syntax, 
> # and how many only say they do because it's Damian Conway who 
> # proposed it. And map/grep aren't "specialized syntax", you 
> IIRC Damian also supports Unicode operators (and may have originated the
> idea), and obviously many people don't like them.
> # could do the same thing with a sub with a prototype of 
> # (&block, *@list).
> Great.  That could mean it won't work right for
> MyCustomArrayLikeThing.

Actually, it will, as I have discussed the LAST TIME this bloody
subject came up. Multiple dispatch is your friend.

   map (&block, *@list) { @list.map(&block) }
   map (&block, @array) { @array.map( &block ) }

etc. Remember most of this will be set up by default anyway, when you
come to implement MyCustomArrayLikeThing you *may* have to add a few
function definitions, or the fact that MyCustomArrayLikeThing inherits
form Array may just fix it for you anyway.

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