Simon Cozens wrote:
> Well, here's a start. Here are the ones I've found in the Exegeses and
> Apocalypses. Things like 'is copy' and 'is given' (and probably a
> great many others) have only been mentioned on the list, and I'm not
> grepping through all the list mail. :)

C<is given> is gone now anyway.

> A note: It is *impossible* to tell whether these are properties or
> methods, built-ins or user-defined. This has never been stated
> anywhere, with the exception of "constant" and "dim", which Damian
> says (in E2) are built-in properties. Maybe those which are
> capitalized are user-defined. Maybe that's not a good enough rule. We
> Just Don't Know. Maybe an explicit rule would be nice.

One general rule is that properties and traits are lower case, while
classnames are upper case. We're not making any visual distinction
between built-in properties and user-defined properties, because it's
certain that many user-defined properties will become built-in
properties when they prove valuable. No one should have to rewrite their
code just because we moved the property into the 'core'.

> And this may all have changed anyway. But here they are, followed by
> which Apo/Exe they were mentioned in, and how many times, using the
> troll's numbering system. (1, 2, many, lots)
>     bigint (A2: 1)

Not a property, a type. Now C<Int>.

>     lazy (A2:1)

A type, now C<Lazy>.

>     constant (A2: many, E2: many, E4: 2)
>     const (E3:2)

Now C<constant>.

>     rw (A2: 2, A4: 1, E2: many, E4:1) 
>     true (A2: 1, E4:1)
>     false (A2: 2)
>     dim (A2: many, E2: many)
>     post (A4: many)
>     keymatch (A5:1)
>     valuematch (A5:2)
>     chomped (E2: many, E4:1)
>     private (A2:1, E4:many)
>     same (A2:1)

These are important features of Perl 6, and will be implemented.

>     inherits (A2:1)

Replaced by C<is Classname>.

>     Exception (A4:1,E4:many)

This isn't a property, it's inheritance. All exception classes inherit from the base 
class, directly or indirectly.

>     prompts (E2: many)
>     interface (A2:1, E4:2)
>     back (A5:2)

Possible, not fully defined.

>     Purpose (A2:1) 
>     Found (E2:many)
>     Colour (E2:1)
>     Verified (E2:1)
>     Note (A2:1) 
>     loud (A4: many)
>     Meaning (A2:1)
>     dis (A2:1)
>     shared (A2:1)
>     locked (A2:1)
>     computed (A2:1)
>     optimize (A2:2)
>     Initialised (A2:2)
>     weak (A2:1)

These were really just examples. That doesn't guarantee they won't have
implementations, but they aren't particularly important.

> Allison, any more to add?

Here's what I can think of off the top of my head and the meeting where
it was added/decided/proposed:

      public (STL) [0]
      copy (ORA)
      really (ETH) may be superseded by C<::=>
      topic (STL)
      repeatedly (ETH)
      like (STL)
      tighter (STL)
      looser (STL)
      delegated (STL)
      named (ORA)

There are certainly others, and more will be defined as we go. 


[0] STL = St. Louis - June 2002, ETH = ETH campus in Munich - Sept.
2002, ORA = O'Reilly offices in Sebastopol - Feb. 2003

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