On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 11:19 AM, Austin Hastings wrote:
But you can't wrap multi-ness, as far as I can tell.

And it happens that the multimethod dispatch is smart enough to find
the ordinary single-invocant sysread method, even though it may not
have been explicitly declared a multimethod. Multimethod dispatch
happens to map directly onto ordinary method dispatch when there's only
one invocant.

At least, that's how it works this week...

To me, this suggests that multithods can be bolted on top of unithods.
And presumably, likewise multisubs can be bolted atop Plain Old Subs

I *think* that's just talking about the internal dispatch mechanism... e.g. the dispatcher treats one-invocant subs and multis the same way, and can map between them if necessary -- I don't think it's talking about the semantic/syntactic rules for declaring them, just the guts of what happens when you eventually call one.

So I still surmise it's a semantic error to override a C<sub> with a C<multi>. (It doesn't have to be, internally, but otherwise I'm not sure why you'd want a separate keyword C<multi> at all.)

sub foo($a,$b,$c) {...}

... lots of code inbetween ...

    multi foo(int $a) {...}    # ERROR - can't multi an existing sub
    multi foo(str $a) {...}

In your example, where you have two separate modules that both have a C<foo>:

module CPANthing;
sub foo($x) {...}

module MyThing;
sub foo($x) {...} # ERROR - redefined: multi won't, but "my" will fix
sub foo(int $x) {...} # ERROR - must use multi

multi foo(int $x) {...} # OK
multi foo($x: @a) {...} # OK
multi foo($x: ?$y = 0) {...} # WARNING: compile-time or run-time?

I would put the errors in different places, because there's nothing wrong with having an identically named function in two different namespaces, right? So I would rewrite that:

module CPANthing;
sub foo($x) {...}

module MyThing;
sub foo($x)     {...}   # OK - we're in a different namespace now
sub foo(int $x) {...}   # ERROR - must use multi

multi foo(int $x) {...} # ERROR - can't multi an existing sub
multi foo($x: @a) {...}
multi foo($x: ?$y = 0) {...}

Or am I completely spacing on something?


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