On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Matthijs van Duin wrote:
> and maybe also:
>  What is the current plan?
> although I got the impression earlier that there isn't any yet for invoking
> subrules :-)

See line 1014, languages/perl6/P6C/rule.pm.  The hack I used was to call
rules like ordinary subs, and have them push marks onto the regex stack
before they return.  I'm not sure if this can be made to work with
hypotheticals, and I'm sure it won't interact kindly with
continuation-taking, but there's _something_.

As for the interaction with continuations, I was about to post some of my
concerns when I received your long and well-thought-out mail.  I need to
think about the discussion so far a bit more, but briefly:

(1) There's more than one way to go when combining dynamically-scoped
variables with continuations: for example, do you use dynamic bindings
from where the continuation was taken, or from where it's invoked?  (see
e.g. Scheme's "dynamic-wind").

(2) (internals) The functional-language people have found that full
continuations are slow, and put a lot of effort into avoiding them where
possible.  Backtracking languages like Icon and Prolog are implemented by
special mechanisms rather than general continuations, probably for this
reason.  So if we're forced to do a regex engine using full continuations,
it will probably be dog-slow

(3) On the other hand, we probably want people to intermix regex
backtracking, continuation-taking, and hypothetical/dynamic variables, and
have it "do the right thing", where "right" means something like
"mind-bendingly difficult to reason about, but consistent".  How do we
want these features to play with each other?

(4) (internals) Given that Parrot has so many different control mechanisms
(call/ret, exceptions, closures, continuations, ...), how do we maintain
consistency?  And how much of that is parrot's responsibility (versus the
perl6 compiler's)?


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