On Thu, May 29, 2003 at 10:47:35AM -0700, Dave Whipp wrote:
> OK, we've beaten the producer/consumer thread/coro model to death. Here's a
> different use of threads: how simple can we make this in P6:
>   sub slow_func
>   {
>           my $percent_done = 0;
>           my $tid = thread { slow_func_imp( \$percent_done ) };
>           thread { status_monitor($percent_done) and sleep 60 until
> $tid.done };
>           return wait $tid;
>   }

At first glance, this doesn't need a thread - a
coroutine is sufficient.  Resume the status update
coroutine whenever there has been some progress.
It doesn't wait and poll a status variable, it just
let the slow function work at its own speed without
interruption until there is a reason to change the

In fact, it probably doesn't need to be a coroutine
either.  A subroutine - display_status( $percent ) -
should't require any code state to maintain, just a
bit if data so all it needs is a closure or an object.

At second glance, there is a reason for a higher
powered solution.  If updating the display to a new
status takes a significant amount of time, especially
I/O time, it would both block the slow function
unnecessarily and would update for every percent
point change.  Using a separate process or thread
allows the function to proceed without blocking, and
allows the next update to jmp ahead to the current
actual level, skipping all of the levels that occurred
while the previous display was happening.  Instead of
sleep, though, I'd use a pipeline and read it with
a non-blocking read until there is no data.  Then,
if the status has changed since the last update, do
a display update and repeat the non-blocking read.
If the status has not changed, do a blocking read to
wait for the next status change.

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