Piers Cawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>     Okay, okay, PONIE really stands for 'Perl On New Internal Engine'.

That's that what they say. Actually it was: "PONIEPONIE":
"Perl5 Obsoletes Nasty Internals Entirely:
Parrot Occupies Numerous Interpreters Everywhere"
But that was to bulky. Or too many ponies, w/o any camels...

[ quote of the week ]

>     Dan: I'm really bad at reading my mails Leo: You should at least read
>     *my* mails Everyone: Hear! Hear! (or words to that effect)

s/read/please read/ - albeit the pronounciation of "my" above is ok ;-)

Piers, thanks again for doing these summaries & it was a great pleasure
to meet you »in personam«,


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