"Mark J. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I think the ¥(yen) suggestion is great, especially since it does indeed
>> look like a zipper. Still, I would very much like an ASCII infix
>> alternative for zip().
>> I propose z as the ASCII alternative for the infix zip operator (either
>> broken bar or yen). With some imagination, it is a good candidate for
>> representing interleaving. Besides that, zip() starts with a z so it is
>> easy to remember even if you don't think it looks like something that
>> zips.
> I think if we go with ¥ for the Unicode operator, the logical choice
> for an ASCII equivalent would be Y.  You could read it as Spanish "and",
> if you like. :)

You'll really confuse the deep functional programmers if you do that,
for whom the term 'Y operator' means something very different

Beware the Perl 6 early morning joggers -- Allison Randal

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