Rod Adams writes:
> Luke Palmer wrote:
> >Admittedly, if you use == for everything, you can force string or
> >numeric comparison this way:
> >
> >   if +$a == +$b {...}   # numeric
> >   if ~$a == ~$b {...}   # string
> > 
> >
> Hmm.
> In my head, I would expect == to have implicit numification on the 
> operands (unless user-overloaded to something else, but that's 
> different). In turn, I'd expect eq to have implicit stringifies.

> Therefore I'd expect the +'s to redundant in the first example.
> I'd then expect the second example to first convert $a and $b to strings 
> because of the ~'s, then, because it sees the ==, it would numify those 
> strings and do a numeric compare.
> Are my expectations misaligned here?

Oh, sorry, wasn't clear.  That's *if* eq was eliminated and == became a
polymorphic operator.

You're correct in terms of the current (and hopefully continuing) state
of things.


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