David Storrs writes:
> On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 06:39:07PM -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
> > Matija Papec writes:
> > > 
> > > Would there be a way to still use simple unquoted hash keys like in old 
> > > days ($hash{MYKEY})?
> > 
> > Of course there's a way to do it.  This is one of those decisions that I
> > was against for the longest time, until one day something clicked and it
> > made sense.
> Out of curiosity, can you articulate what clicked?  This one still
> doesn't make sense to me, and I'd like to get it.

I don't know, actually.  Some of Larry's ideas have a tendency to do
that with me.  It felt wrong, and then after that short painful time, it
felt very right.  Sort of like... um... nevermind.

> > You might do it something like this:
> > 
> >     macro postcircumfix:{} ($base, $subscript)
> >         is parsed( / $?subscript := (\w+) /)
> >     {
> >         return { $base.{"$subscript"} }
> >     }
> I don't recall seeing postcircumfix before, nor can I find it in
> A6...did I miss something?
> Are there others, aside from these:  ?
>     prefix:     a unary prefix operator
>     infix:      a binary infix operator
>     postfix:    a binary suffix operator
>     circumfix:  a bracketing operator

Tons.  From A12:

    Category                            Example of use
    --------                            --------------
    coerce:as                           123 as BigInt, BigInt(123)
    self:sort                           @array.=sort
    term:...                            $x = {...}
    prefix:+                            +$x
    infix:+                             $x + $y
    postfix:++                          $x++
    circumfix:[]                        [ @x ]
    postcircumfix:[]                    $x[$y] or $x .[$y]
    rule_modifier:p5                    m:p5//
    trait_verb:handles                  has $.tail handles ÂwagÂ
    trait_auxiliary:shall               my $x shall conformÂTR123Â
    scope_declarator:has                has $.x;
    statement_control:if                if $condition {...} else {...}
    infix_postfix_meta_operator:=       $x += 2;
    postfix_prefix_meta_operator:Â     @array Â++
    prefix_postfix_meta_operator:Â     -Â @magnitudes
    infix_circumfix_meta_operator:ÂÂ  @a Â+Â @b

Though I have a suspition that those are just examples, and some of them
won't make it.  Plus, he forgot:



This is one of those things that isn't going to be so much designed into
the language but defined by the implementation.  "Where can we fit
grammatical hooks?" in addition to "Where are they most useful?"


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