Hans Ginzel writes:
> On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 09:12:16PM +1000, Gautam Gopalakrishnan wrote:
> > about string subscripting. Since $a[0] cannot be mistaken for array subscripting
> > anymore, could this now be used to peep into scalars? Looks easier than using
>    Are there plans in Perl 6 for string modifiers? 

Not exactly.  But method calls can be interpolated into strings, so most
of this is pretty straightforward:

> As they are in bash eg.:
>       ${var%glob_or_regexp}
>       ${var%%glob_or_regexp}

        my $newfile = "$str.subst(rx|\.\w+$|, '')\.bin";

>       ${var#glob_or_regexp}
>       ${var##glob_or_regexp}
        say "Basename is $str.subst(rx|.*/|, '')"

>       ${var/pattern/string}

        say "$str.subst(rx|foo|, 'bar')"

>       ${var:[+-=]word}

        # ${var:-word}
        say "You chose $($value // 'no value')";

        # ${var:=word}
        say "You chose $($value //= 'no value')";
        # ${var:?word}
        say "You chose $($value // die 'please choose a value')"


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