On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 08:39:09PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:

> Case 1:
> So I wanted to do a read/write scan, so I create my TextFile, start 
> reading in data, so the file is opened for reading. Then, I come to the 
> part where I want to update something, so I do a write command. Suddenly 
> the file has to be closed, and then re-opened for read and write. And 
> all my buffers, file pointers and the like are reset, (though curable 
> with very careful planning), leaving me in a bad spot. Better if I could 
> just declare the file open for read and write at open time.
> Case 2:
> I meant to use some critical data file in read-only mode, and accidently 
> use a write command somewhere I didn't mean to, and silently just 
> clobbered /etc/passwd. Better if I could have just opened the file read 
> only, and trigger an error on the write command.
> What design philosophy would you envision TextFile taking to handle both 
> these cases in a coherent fashion?

           my $default is TextFile("/tmp/foo");
           my $rw      is TextFile("/tmp/foo")    is rw;
           my $ro      is TextFile("/etc/passwd") is const;

$default will have the semantics that Dave has been
describing--initially opened read-only, then re-opened as r/w if you
write to it.

$rw is explicitly r/w.  Attempts to write to it succeed, and do not
require an implicit re-open.

$ro is explicitly ro.  Attempts to write to it fail, and do not
perform an implicit re-open.

Given the above code, here is some usage:

            print $ro.readline(); # Prints first line
            $ro = "boom!";        # THROWS AN ERROR
  (assume error was trapped somehow)

            # Print file, inefficiently
            print $default.readline for 1..$default.lines;

            # Append a line
            $rw .= "an additional line\n"; 
            # New line is visible through $rw
            print $rw.lines[-1];  # (*)

            # last line not yet visible through $default because it was
            # added by external handle--just like in a tail -f, we 
            # need to move file pointer manually

            # Can't re-open for write mode, since another handle
            # already has the write-lock.  Throw error to that effect.
            $default = "oops, this doesn't work";

(*) The .lines[-1] semantic is feasible if we are willing to tolerate
very slow performance (at least the first time; it could cache the
locations of $/ after scanning and dump the cache if $/ changes), the
fact that it wouldn't work on all files (/dev/null, /dev/zero, etc),
and a few other issues.

> I don't think anyone (read: Larry) has declared exactly what the 
> capabilities of the default file handle object are yet. It seems me that 
> you could very well get what you want.

True on both counts.


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