Larry Wall wrote:

On Sun, Jul 25, 2004 at 01:32:29AM -0500, Dan Hursh wrote:
: >2. Really core. This is the sort of "standard library". Just the most
: >essential bits that are required for general Perl usability. You'd
: >probably include most of these, even in a "trimmed down" release, such
: >as an OS installer
: : What most venders will ship.

Which is basically why we are planning not to produce one of these.
I think we should concentrate on 1 and 3.

I know. In that case, I think venders are liable to be lazy or peeved and ship option 1 or worse, nothing. Is the answer really supposed to be CPAN or no library? Is there a plan to at least have stable snapshots of CPAN? Sorry to be a pest on this, but the implications actually scare me about things I didn't worry about before because I had confidence that they would be addressed in 'the library'. Maybe I just need to sit and meditate some more.


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