"Joe Gottman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     In perl 6, the statement  
>             @foo = (1.. 5) ;
>     is equivalent to
>             @foo = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); 
> Is there similar shorthand to set @foo = (5, 3, 3, 2, 1) ?  I know you can
> go
>             @foo = reverse (1 ..5);
> but this has the major disadvantage that it cannot be evaluated lazily;
> reverse has to see the entire list before it can emit the first element of
> the reversed list.  Would
>             @foo = (5 .. 1 :by(-1));
> do the trick?  If so, would the same trick work for
>             @bar = ('e' .. 'a' :by(-1)); ?

   @foo = 5.down_to(1)

Where down_to is 

    method Number::down_to ($self : Number $target) {
        return if $self < $target;
        return $self, ($self - 1).down_to($target);

You might have to do some monkeying around with a range object or
something to make it appropriately lazy, but that's a mere detail. Or
you could implement it as an operator. Or...

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