On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 03:09:47PM +0200, Michele Dondi wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Sep 2004, Larry Wall wrote:
> > And yes, an C<int1> can store only -1 or 0.  I'm sure someone'll think of
> > a use for it...
> Probably OT, but I've needed something like that badly today: "working" on
> a japh that turned out to require mostly golfing skills (and not that I
> have many, I must admit)... well, it would have been useful to have, say,
> a pack template for 2-bits unsigned integers...

As an array index -1 and 0 give you the 2 ends.  The perl5
code to alternately extract elements from the two eds of an
array can be something like:

    my $end = 0;        # -1 to start with right end

    while( @array ) {
        my $next = splice( @array, $end, 1 );
        # use the $next element
        $end = -1 - $end;

Using int1 for $end, that last line can be changed in a variety
of ways, such as:

        $end ^= 1;

(except that the p5 ^= operator is written differently in p6)

This is not a *good* use of int1 though. :-)


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