On Tue, Nov 30, 2004 at 05:54:45PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
> Jim Cromie writes:
> > 
> > since the qq:X family has recently come up, Id like to suggest another.
> > 
> > qq:i {}  is just like qq{} except that when it interpolates variables,
> > those which are undefined are preserved literally.
> Eeeew.  Probably going to shoot this down.  But let's see where you're
> going with it :-)

Bang! :-)

The problem with "interpolate if you can or leave it alone for
later" is that when later comes around you're in a quandry.
Is the string "$var" that is in the final result there because
it was "$var" in the original and couldn't be interpolated,
or was it a $foo that had its value of "$var" injected into
its place?

The "maybe do it now, finish up later what wasn't done the
first round" approach runs the risk of double interpolation.
(Or single interpolation, or non-interpolation, whichever
it happened to roll on the dice.) If you're Randal Schwartz
discovering a

    s/Old Macdonald/$had a $farm/eieio

accidental feature, that can be useful; but for mere portals,
it is just a bug waiting to surface.


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