On Fri, 4 Feb 2005, Juerd wrote:

Does this make sense?

   my @words = gather {
       for =(open '/usr/share/dict/words' err die) {
           next if /<-[a-z]>/;
           /$re/ and take { word => $_, score => %scores{ .letters }.sum };
   } ==> sort { .<score> } is descending, { .<word>.length }, { .<word> };

With some effort I managed to understand _which_ sense it should make up to this:
} ==> sort { .<score> } is descending, { .<word>.length }, { .<word> };
I mean: everything of what is gather()ed gets 'piped' into sort() which sorts according to C<< { .<score> } >>. But what are the other args to it supposed to mean? (Sorry for being dense!)

Michele --
i need to know what type of math and how much math a surgeon uses.
How about asking what type of surgery and how much surgery
a mathematician uses?
- Robin Chapman in sci.math

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