On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 05:15:14PM -0800, Larry Wall wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 02:20:47PM -0800, David Storrs wrote:
> : Yes, I know.  That's what I meant by "...arrays are objects...(sort
> No, they're real objects.  (Though it's .elems rather than .length, since
> we've banished the "l" word from our vocabulary.)

Ah, ok.  I've got to scrape up the tuits to go back and reread the

Actually, I guess they would have to be...can you apply a role to a
bare type?

     my int does SelectOutputFile;  # I would expect this to fail 
     my Int does SelectOutputFile;  # I would expect this to work

> : But, every time I find myself thinking these things I take a deep
> : breath, put my faith in Larry, and assume that it will work out--I
> : really do have an amazing degree of faith in his ability to pull off
> : miracles.  Hopefully, after I have a chance to play with the
> : production version of P6 for a while, all of these things that
> : currently seem like effluent will start to see like useful tools.
> And I have put my faith in the Perl community, and assume it will work
> out, because I have an amazing degree of faith in the ability of the
> community to recognize the real effluent and avoid it.  :-)

I think I've just been very, very gently poked. :>

For the record--just because I personally dislike these things doesn't
make them bad, or even bad for the language.  I didn't even say that
they WERE effluent, just that right now they seem that way to me
personally...and I'm trying to get past it.  As I said, I'm confident
it will all work out well in the end.

> : Fingers crossed,
>Niy ygsy ,sjra uy s ;py gsefre yp ytor///

At first I thought I had annoyed you enough that you were attempting
to summon an Elder God through my terminal.  Then I realized that it
works out to:

      But that makes it a lot harder to type...

Owie...stop making my head hurt! :>



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