Make "is" polymorphic :D


On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 21:24:52 -0500 (EST), Abhijit Mahabal
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Luke Palmer wrote:
> > Chip Salzenberg writes:
> >> I'd like to annotate Perl 6 parameters and other entities using
> >> traits, since that's the best way (I know of) to have them appear
> >> immediately in the text of the program where they are.
> >>
> >> Supposing I had a "doc" trait, could I say:
> >>     sub f2c (Num $temp doc<Temperature in degrees F>)>>
> >>         doc<Convert degress F to degrees C>
> >>     {...}
> >>
> >> Or would I be forced to spell it  doc('stuff')  ?
> >
> > Well, first you need an `is` somewhere in there. And after that I think
> > you'll need to do it in doc('stuff') form.  If we did allow doc<>, then
> > this:
> >
> >    is doc<Convert degrees F to degrees C>
> >
> But if you are going to use doc('') in a million places, can you not also
> make doc a trait_verb and save a little typing? So:
> role doc{
>         sub *trait_verb:doc($container: $string) {
>                 ...
>         }
> }
> But what do I apply the role to? perhaps
>         class Object does doc
> Now
>         sub f2c (Num $temp doc "Temperature in degrees F") {...}
> works(I think): trait_verb:doc is a sub, not a method, and so parens are
> not needed.
> It works, but that doesn't read too well. We do need a verb there. "docs",
> perhaps? Or "gloss", which is both a noun and a verb?
> --abhijit

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