I'd really like to contribute, but I'm wondering if for the first
phase a wiki would help the community pull together the best practice
for each recipe? I'm thinking mediawiki style, where there's a
discussion page attached to each wiki page. Would it help the
conversation progress quickly (and grow and cross reference the recipe
collection more)?

I'd be happy to put one up if that seemed helpful, or perhaps there's
a preferred place for such things...(or maybe every really just
prefers SVN annotations ;) )

Marcus Adair

On 4/9/05, Ovid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> http://groups-beta.google.com/group/perl.perl6.language/browse_frm/thread/b29d689814d0a50e/bd6ed3ba5ee17ffb#bd6ed3ba5ee17ffb
> Following up on Tim Bunce's April 1st suggestion that we implement
> PLEAC (http://pleac.sourceforge.net/), I've gotten a few things started
> in examples/pleac, but I think it's time to step back and think
> seriously about how to organize this stuff.
> pleac will essentially be a Perl6 Cookbook modeled after the second
> edition Perl Cookbook.  I've laid out a directory and filename
> structure/format that will make it very easy to look things up and I've
> added a few sample programs, but I realize that there are a few issues
> with my approach.
> 1.  I stop coding a particular bit when I hit a bug in Pugs.
> 2.  Perl6 is more expressive than Perl5 and I rather think the Perl5
> recipes are limiting.
> Here's what I'm asking:
> 1.  Should we just write out full examples, even if Pugs won't compile
> 'em?  Seems more sensible to me.
> 2.  POD docs?  Does it matter?
> 3.  Add recipes that more accurately reflect Perl6's strengths?  That
> goes beyond pleac, but I'd much rather see this as a resource that Perl
> programmers can really rely on.
> 4.  Are the filenames portable?
> (examples/pleac/05hashes/05-05traversing.p6)
> Regarding question 1:  if we only add code as Pugs can handle it, we
> always have working code examples.  However, how do we know which code
> we should update?  If we write up full examples, there's less
> maintenance, but we're also less likely to spot syntax errors since a
> lot of code won't even compile.
> And please, if you have commit access, feel free to correct my code and
> add more.  I don't want to do this by myself.
> http://svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/examples/pleac/
> Cheers,
> Ovid
> --
> If this message is a response to a question on a mailing list, please send
> follow up questions to the list.
> Web Programming with Perl -- http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/cgi_course/

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